
Welcome to our info page! Since you’ve come this far, perhaps the Lord is stirring your heart to begin supporting prison ministry in prayer, leading you to serve in an existing class, or even calling you to work with a team to begin a new class. You are not alone! As a shepherding ministry, CBS provides support and leadership to come alongside you as you seek to discern the Lord’s calling on your life.

“To open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon and those who dwell in darkness from the prison” Is. 42:7, NASB

1.8 Million People Incarcerated
95% Will Be Released Into Society
67% Will Be Re-Arrested Within 3 Years
Bible Study Is Proven To Reduce Recidivism



Not sure if this is a fit for you but still curious? We’re happy to talk with you as you pray about possible involvement in InPrison & Beyond.


Please contact us:


  • If you are connected to a CBS class, reach out to your direct CBS shepherd or your class leadership.
  • Email our Support Team at inprison@communitybiblestudy.org.
  • Support Team members: Ken and Karyn Jarrell, Nancy Appleton, and Dannie Machemehl.